For those of you that don't know, I'm now residing in Slippery Rock w/my best friend Adele. I'm living on my own, only half an hour away from home. I'm currently taking some time away from attending college. But I'm working at Sheetz searching for a full time job close to the apt. I'm taking some time away to find out what I really want out of my life. I'm not good at goals, so I just try to live life one day at a time.
I've been all over the place traveling. I've been out west doing research in the dirt and mud :o), I've been all over Maryland, Virginia and Pa looking at outcropings on the side of the road. I've been up north, to New York, Massachusetts and Canada. And south to the Carolina's. I hope to someday go back to Germany, and I'd love to see Ireland and Italy.
Life isn't always easy on us, but you just have to keep your head up and try your best. Find something that makes you happy, and make sure you do it often. Mainly I just work, talk to my friends and hang out in my apt. I'm a very social person, as most of you know. Mom used to call me a social butterfly and told everyone I could make friends w/a tree. If you want any of my information about where I live, my address, or the phone number, email me and I'll make sure I get back to you. Miss all of you, and you can be assured that I'm always thinking of you even if I don't talk to you very often! Have a wonderful day!